All tagged marriage

Running sucks, but I'm inspired to walk

Running is hard. It sucks. I'm not good at it. When I try to do it, I hate it more. I know there are a number of benefits to it, but it still doesn't make it any easier. Recently, I found a much better reason for giving this running thing a go, which makes all the sense in the world. I run so I can walk. 

It's important to have time with the wife without the kids. Yea, we've talked about everything you possibly can and there are some quiet times when you're hanging out, but it's important to be without the kids from time to time.

Last night the wife and I headed to Aerosmith / J. Geils at Fenway Park. It was an unbelievable experience and to share it with the wife was even better. We had such a great time just chatting about the music, watching people (great people watching BTW) and enjoying eachother's company.

married_coupleAll husbands will chuckle and nod when they read this post. It's about the 3pm telephone call from the wife. You know what I'm talking about:

You: "Hello."

Wife: "Hey hon, how's your day going?"

You: "Good. You?"

Wife:  "Good. What time are you coming home?"

You: "Ah, not sure. The usual I'm guess."

Wife: "Ok. What do you want for dinner?"

You: "Not sure. Whatever is fine. Doesn't matter."

Wife: "Ok, I'll whip something up. Call me when you're leaving."

You: "Ah, ok. Will do."

Now, here's what's really being said.

ying-yangI recently celebrated my seventh wedding anniversary. By no means is seven years a milestone, but in this day in age when divorce papers are as common as wedding nuptials, seven years is a pretty good benchmark. We've made it this far. Haven't killed each other yet. Finances are in order. Food is on the table. Kids are healthy. All is good in the Big Guy household.

As I mulled over the seven years and everything in between, I started to think about the things I forgot during the courting years and the stuff I had no idea was coming down the pike during the marathon that is marriage. It's what I call the Ying and Yang of the marriage process.

Reading this story on about an office situation where one lady was trying to show her co-workers that she got engaged. After waving her hand around a few times, she finally came out and asked, "didn't you notice the ring on my finger?"

The reaction from her co-workers - one male, the other female - were different. I've seen this happen a million times in the work place. Women get all excited about the engagement, what to see the ring, talk about how it was done, etc. Guys, on the other hand, hear taps playing in the background.