All tagged fathers day

Dear Father's Day post

Father's Day posts. They are a dime a dozen. I write one every year. This year, I'm writing a post TO my Father's Day post about how I can't write the post. Follow me? I'm too busy. #DadLife is just taking up too much time for me to write it. Let me explain. 

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Four months ago, I lost my dad. It was unexpected and every day since, I've missed him more and more. Today is the first Father's Day without him and it sucks. 

But, this post isn't about me. It's about you. It's about those of you out there with kids and who's father is still with us. 

Do me a huge favor today and help me honor my dad. 

Hey dad, been a while. I hope you are well wherever you are. It's been nearly four months since you passed and it's not getting any easier. In fact, with each day, the pain is pretty unbearable at times. The loss is equal to a thousand yard, gaping hole in the earth caused by an unexpected meteor.

We celebrated your birthday. We had a First Communion. We had preschool graduation. We've celebrated some many things since you've passed and with each occasion, there was a sense of loss that was heavy on everyone's hearts.

Well, tomorrow is Father's Day. It's the first without you and to be brutally honest, it fucking sucks. Sorry for the crass words, but there's really no other way to describe it.