Dear Father's Day post
This is a post to my post about Father's Day.
Dear Father's Day post,
Every year, I stare at this screen and think of what to say about Father's Day. You see, it all changed for me back in 2012 when my father died unexpectedly. Since then, the day has had a little less meaning and a boat load more meaning at the same time.
I know, that's weird. Bear with me Father's Day Post, ok?
You see, now that my pops is gone, there's no phone call to him or from him. There's no BBQ with him. There's nothing. Just a visit to a cold slab of stone that has his name on it and the days of his birth and death etched underneath.
What is left, however, are the memories. And let me tell you, there's a ton of them.
Memories...they are funny things. They make you laugh. They make you cry. They make you wonder. They get all of the feels fired up, as they say.
My memories, especially about my father, push me harder to be not just a great day, but one of the greatest.
There's a reason I coach both of my girl's softball teams. There's a reason why I'm in the office super early to get home at dinner time. There's a reason why I use as much vacation time as I can. There's a reason I work hard to maintain a lifestyle that our family enjoys.
The reasons are now 12 and 9. There names are Kayla and Jordan -- two kids that make this dad very proud. They get good grades. They are well liked. They are talented in ways that I am not. They are polite, kind, competitive, eager, inquisitive, loving, caring and all of the other adjectives I can throw at them.
Most of all, they are mine, which is why my job is to create wonderful memories that they will carry with them thru the days when I'm gone. Days when they have their own kids and think about the time that "dad did that thing" or when "dad said that" or "when dad took us to..."
So Father's Day post, while I've yet to get you down on paper, I know what I must write. In fact, it's not a single post but rather an unwritten novel that I will never finish. If you think about it, the novel isn't even mine to write. My pops started it. I'm picking up where he left off and so far, so good. It's an honor being KK's and Whip's dad. It's a badge that I wear proudly.
So Father's Day post, I know I need to write you. I know I need to get my thoughts down on paper. I know I need to catalog this journey. But, sorry, Father's Day Post I can't write you. I just can't do it.
I'm too busy making memories.