
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

9 reasons why us knuckleheads need to thank the moms in our lives

9 reasons why us knuckleheads need to thank the moms in our lives

Mother's Day is the mother of all days. It's the one day throughout the year that we stop and thank moms all around the world. Ironically enough, we should be thanking moms all the time. It's  a tireless, relenting and never-ending job (trust me, I'm 42 and my mom still "moms" me). 

If it wasn't for my mom and my wife, I wouldn't have had the upbringing I did; wouldn't be as successful as I am (success is a relative term); and, I wouldn't have a happy and healthy home life that is the core of my existence. 

I'm thankful every day for the moms in my life and you should be too. Here's 9 reasons why you need to thank them:

  1. Interference. Without any mom interference -- yes, interference -- who the hells knows what kind of trouble we'd get into when those stupid cells infect our adolescence brains.
  2. Emotions. Naturally, we knuckleheads aren't emotional and don't find Marley and Me a movie we'd cry over. The moms in our lives show us the Kleenex way and that it's ok to shed a couple of tears from time to time.
  3. Cooking. You KNOW you can't cook, but you try. I've learned by watching my wife. She can cook her ass off and she's showed me the way. So when the apocalypse hits, I'll be a-ok. 
  4. Cleaning. Have you EVER thought about picking up a broom? No, no you haven't. I'm the type of cleaner that cleans around things. The moms in my life go HOUSE when they clean. You could eat off the floors. The lesson here is not cleaning, but rather, no matter what you're doing, don't half-ass it. Beast-mode it. 
  5. Slow. The. Hell. Down. Working 70 hours a week. Coaching. School. Dance. Activity after activity. Our lives are dictated by Google calendars. My wife is always reminding us as a family that the time we spend together is the utmost priority. A quick trip to the mall. Dinner. Playing board games. All of that together time is precious and worth its weight in gold. 
  6. Patience. You can NEVER have enough of it. My mom had to put up with two boys, who at times, did some stupid things. But through it all, she had us stay the course and get on the straight and narrow. If she didn't have patience, then we'd be God knows where. Same with my wife. She runs a tight ship with the kids, but they are better off because of it. There's always a breaking point, but the kids know that play time is one thing, screwing off and being disrespectful will be dealt with quickly. Having the patience of a mom is like having 300 PhD's and winning the Grammy's every year. 
  7. Laughter. A life without laughter isn't one worth living. Thank your mom for all the times she made you laugh. It's healthy and is a core component of love.
  8. CIA + FBI skills. While the CIA and FBI are chasing bad guys around the world, moms have the same skills. They know what you're going to do before you do it. Often times, they will get you out of it before you needed the help. Or, they know you're about to do something stupid and they let you learn from it. A mom's intuition is keener than a Jedi's. 
  9. Others. Trust me, we all have our moments of selfishness. The moms if my life have taught me to think of others and help whenever and however you can. It's important.

In all seriousness, moms deserve a boat load of credit and more than just one day of recognition. Here's to all you moms out there, doing your thing, raising your kids the best way you can. There's no playbook for it, but just like a momma bear, the instincts kick in regardless if your son/daughter is 2 or 42. You'll always be a mom. 

Happy Mother's Day.

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