All in #DadLife

I had NO IDEA sweeping pet hair would be this fun

I'm not one to clean the house. I suck at it and when I try, my wife just wants me out of the way. It's not a skill that I possess. However, I do possess a bObsweep PetHair Plus. This little dude is a beast and he's helped me want to sweep the floors -- or should I say -- watch him clean the floors on his own without any help from me. And, the fact that we have a big beast of a dog that sheds like a champ, my boy bOb gets after her white hair clumps with vigor! 

Dear Father's Day post

Father's Day posts. They are a dime a dozen. I write one every year. This year, I'm writing a post TO my Father's Day post about how I can't write the post. Follow me? I'm too busy. #DadLife is just taking up too much time for me to write it. Let me explain.