
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Aerosmith & J. Geils at Fenway Stuff


steven-tyler-fenway-park.jpgYea, I was one of the 30+ thousand screaming fans that were lucky enough to see Aerosmith and the J. Giels Band at Fenway Park over the weekend.

The wife and I went solo. Dropped the kids off at the in-laws and had ourselves the time of our lives. It was a fantastic show and by the time it was over, both the wife and I were so jacked up, we wanted more.

But, in case you missed it:

Did you go? What did you think of the old guys rocking at Fenway?

Image Credit: Boston Globe's, Names and Faces blog

Grandparents and Grandkids

Just Us Time is Important