Life is one big mess of tangled Christmas lights that are connected, yet working in sync to illuminate:
- We are connected to friends, family, business associates, clients, entertainers, politicians, media-types, etc. all with the help of social networking
- We are connect to content by way of our mobile devices, the social web, television and radio
- We are connected to our past because that's how we became who we are today and who we will be in the future
- We are connected to the government because we live in a society that needs rules and regulations that we have to follow (even though the ones that don't follow the rules, are still connected to the government, but in a bad way, i.e. jail)
- We are connected to each other because we're family, friends, co-workers, clients, etc. so we know our temperaments, our pain, what makes us happy or sad, what we're good at and what we're bad at, etc.
- We are connected to advertising and marketing (either by brands or by word of mouth)
- We are connected to people we don't know because we see them on our commute to work everyday or pass them on the street as they beg for change
- We are connected to time because that's what keeps things moving regardless if you want to stop it or not
We are connected. Think about it.