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Yesterday's launch of Facebook Deals is big news for business. If you haven't heard, Facebook Deals is tied to Places, the ability to check-in at a location like Starbucks for example.

Despite location-based services being popular among tech lovers and social media geeks, there continues to be two beefs: the first being that they intrude on privacy, especially with the ability to "tag" other users who might not want to be so public with their activity; two, the services haven't really proven much in the way for business outcomes, mostly because the location based services just aren't mainstream enough.

With a half a billion users, Facebook aims to change that second point. Deals is going to be a big winner for both consumers and businesses. The service makes absolute sense, has a low cost barrier for businesses and consumers are going to love it. This much we know.

One thing businesses might not know about Deals is that despite it being a simple yet effective way for business of all seizes to get tap into real time customer interactions, this sales tactic equals more work offline.

Google always has a pretty neat way of jazzing up their logos for special occasions, mysterious dates in history and sometimes just because.

Today, of course, the company is celebrating Hallow's Eve or better known as Halloween.

If you cruise over to Wikipedia and look up Halloween, you'll find that the word itself comes from the 16th century. It's a Scottish word from "All-Hallows-Even" (“evening”), which is the night before All Hallows Day or “All Saints Day”.