All in Technorati
Trolling through the good ole RSS reader and I came across a post from the Google Wave Blog that was a tease of sorts as to what the service might turn into.
You remember Google Wave right? It was the much-hyped Google product that was going to revolutionize how we communicated. Well, that failed and failed miserably.
However, I still feel the concept of Wave is pretty bad ass. Real time collaboration in the browser will take off someday and it'll more than just instant messaging.
Being a father of two young daughters, every day during the summer is a blessing because it takes you away from the daily musings of the office as well as the typical stuff us dads tend to worry about — beer, food, football, etc. Kidding…we really think having a good home life for our family; ensuring that the finances are in order (current and future); spending time with other family and friends; and, enjoying every minute of life.
The summer is tee’d up for parents, i.e. an open invitation to do whatever you want with the kids — day trips, vacations, pool time, beach fun, backyard grilling sessions, bike riding, etc. It’s the time of the year that you really get to enjoy your family because it’s an active time.
I tend to do a lot of writing over the weekend, mostly because that's when I have the "spare" time to do so. As a reoccuring feature, I'm going to recap some of my more memorable, timely and important (to me at least) posts every Monday morning so you can have a little something to read as you're enjoying your coffee, tea, breakfast, etc.
I'll include stuff from this blog, as well as Technorati, Shamable and Every Other Thursday.
I've been blogging since the Blog City days. Remember Blog City? It was basically a blogging platform before Blogger came around and well before WordPress became the leader in the space.
Since those early days, I've come across a lot of people in the blogosphere. Their backgrounds run the gamut. Some were in the PR business, some blue collar types and others former journalists like me (I'm a former reporter for the Boston Globe).
One of the things we all have in common, is that we love to write. The other thing we all had in common is that we'd come across a ton of nut jobs in the blogging space.