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There is no explanation as to why videos go viral. They are either funny, dramatic, unbelievable or all of the above. What goes viral and what doesn't cannot be predicted. In fact, you can "make" viral videos. It has to happen naturally.
Take this video on Mashable, for example. It has to do with a little kid, a dog and poop. Yes, you read that right. Poop.
Then check the speed at which the video caught the attention of readers.
Four months ago, I lost my dad. It was unexpected and every day since, I've missed him more and more. Today is the first Father's Day without him and it sucks.
But, this post isn't about me. It's about you. It's about those of you out there with kids and who's father is still with us.
Do me a huge favor today and help me honor my dad.
Ah Father's Day, the one day of the year that we are celebrated for all the things we do for our kids and family. Well, I guess that's not totally true because every day is Father's Day in my house. There's nothing better than being a dad. I have two wonderful kids and a beautiful wife that keeps the family running. She's the CEO, while I play the CFO role.
I find it kind of funny that we celebrate dads (and moms for that matter) only one day out of the year. Parenting is not a cake walk. It's a lifetime of challenges. And while my kids are only 7 and 4, I'm only really starting my journey as a dad. As my mom says, "the bigger [kids] get, the bigger problems they have."
My kids are hung up on Club Penguin. They love it. It's interactive. There are games to play. There are other people to interact with (to a certain extent).
My oldest is the one that plays it the most and she's seven. My youngest, of course, wants to do what her big sister is doing. As a result, I succumbed to pressure this morning and got her an account to the tune of 60 bucks for the year.