All tagged dog

I had NO IDEA sweeping pet hair would be this fun

I'm not one to clean the house. I suck at it and when I try, my wife just wants me out of the way. It's not a skill that I possess. However, I do possess a bObsweep PetHair Plus. This little dude is a beast and he's helped me want to sweep the floors -- or should I say -- watch him clean the floors on his own without any help from me. And, the fact that we have a big beast of a dog that sheds like a champ, my boy bOb gets after her white hair clumps with vigor! 

Kids, Dogs and Poop Make a Social Media Winner

There is no explanation as to why videos go viral. They are either funny, dramatic, unbelievable or all of the above. What goes viral and what doesn't cannot be predicted. In fact, you can "make" viral videos. It has to happen naturally. 

Take this video on Mashable, for example. It has to do with a little kid, a dog and poop. Yes, you read that right. Poop.

Then check the speed at which the video caught the attention of readers.