When is the last time you gave yourself a career checkup? Forbes has some good advice for those of you who look to move up the ladder as well as those of you who are looking to make a move.
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When is the last time you gave yourself a career checkup? Forbes has some good advice for those of you who look to move up the ladder as well as those of you who are looking to make a move.
Over the past year, I've realized one important thing about business: career opportunities present themselves as often as you create them.
I've come to that realization due to the past three years being full of some ups and some downs. At the end of the day, it has all evened out.
At the end of last year, I lost my job. It was a pretty big shock, but one that I was prepared for, sort of. You see, I'm a worker. I get things done. I keep things simple, organized and focused. It is the only way I know how to do things. So when I found myself with about two months to land a gig, I put the following in action.