I started a new gig today at d50 Media as Senior Manager of Integrated Communications. New commute. New people. New routine. New everything for the most part. And I love it.
Some people get freaked out by change. Not me. I just roll with it, mostly because you can't control it. You either go with the tide or fight it.
I'm more of a tide roller type.
A new gig brings new challenges. Yes, there's the a slew of HR things to get through, but I'm talking about learning what your role will be; how you will work with others; and, how you will succeed in your new role.
At d50 Media, I'm going back to me roots in a PR sort of role. One that will take my journalism background and a skillset I've further honed as Exeuctive Editor of Technorati (and other positions) and put them to good use -- media, writing, team building, social, crisis, reputation management, etc. It's a daunting task and one that I'm looking forward to taking on.
So while this is just the beginning, I can feel comfort in the fact that I've been there done that, in a strange, comforting way.