
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Elf the musical at the Wang and an eye on security

Elf the musical at the Wang and an eye on security

Took the kids to see Elf the Musical this weekend. The wife and I sprung it on them after a dinner in town. We also had access to backstage, which had the kids in awe.  Shout out to the wife who basically made it all happen. I was just the driver and body guard for the evening. ;) 

Overall, the show was pretty good. It was funny, had some insightful parent jokes and keep the kids engaged the entire time. I definitely recommend seeing it if you love the movie, like my kids do.  

A few things that I thought about during the evening though, which, I wish I didn't think about, period. It's brutal that an evening out with the family has to turn into a constant security check. But, regardless, this is what I noticed:

  • Security was tight at the gates. Guys in suits, clearly there looking at everyone that walked in and searching bags. No metal detector though.
  • Looking for the exits all around and noticed that there were only two options at each time -- each going to be a stampede if anything ever happened, e.g. Paris. 
  • Security in the theater consistent of ushers, as far as I could tell -- mostly concerned with people using their cell phones during the show. 

In the future, as security tightens around the country and is woven into our daily lives, it won't be as noticeable. It'll just be there to protect us from those that wish to harm us. 

Sad. Very sad.

Happy birthday #DaisyMartelli

Happy birthday #DaisyMartelli

The Jackson 5 made the best Christmas album ever

The Jackson 5 made the best Christmas album ever