
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Five Years, 32k Tweets Later

I was killing time in a car dealership today and cruising through my Twitter stream when I came across this tweet from Todd Defren:

Apparently it's my FIVE YEAR Twitterversary. Wow. This thing's been on for 5 years? Can you envision it being around another 5?

Consequently, after the tweet, he wrote this about his twitterversary:

I read it and thought hey, I've been on Twitter nearly as long and I should probably reflect where I was five years ago today as opposed to today. Here are those random thoughts:

  • I was just starting a new gig at the MSLGROUP as VP and Director of Digital Communications, coming there as Director of Marketing and Communications of Malden Catholic High School
  • My youngest was just about eight months old
  • Myspace was still considered a competitor of Facebook and an open graph sounded more like an open wound than a social media term
  • I was still rocking PC's at that time and my love for Apple was developed a few months later
  • I was using a Motorolla Q as my smartphone (ouch, I know)
  • The Red Sox were about to win their second World Series in three years
  • The Patriots went undefeated and lost in the Superbowl
  • The Celtics didn't have the new big three
  • The Bruins still weren't registering on the sports scale in Boston (outside of big puck heads)
  • The economy was in much better shape, sort of
  • Wars were still raging on in lands I've never been to and will never see other than through a computer screen, mobile device or TV
  • I had two TiVo's running in my house
  • Biz Stone launched this service called Twitter that was used primarily via SMS or the web (my first tweet stated that I was walking down Boylston Street in Boston)

Lots has changed in just five years. Can't wait to see what the next five bring.


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