
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

First Impressions of #PRNews10 Digital Summit


I'm attending the PR News Digital Summit in New York today and we're through the first two panels. Here are some of my thoughts:

Creating the Digital PR Team

The panelists were Mary Henige of GM, Lee Mikles of The Archer Group and Holly Potter of Kaiser Permanete. They were talking about creating digital teams.

The biggest take-a-ways were:

  • Twiterns, avoid 'em: Basically, don't use junior staff to manage your social media program
  • Mix it up: It is good to have marketing and PR people on your social media teams as in the end, programs are built on communicating (PR) and content (marketing)
  • Share, share and share: It's important to sit down with your team and discuss what programs are running; what is working or not; and, how can you improve. Getting all vested parties around the same table is something that should be done often.

Next Generation of Social Media Tools

The second panel discussed next generation media tools. And, if you're a social media geek like me, you'll start falling asleep right now. The panel talked about location-based services, couponing, mobile tools, etc.

There were no key learnings with this panel really. I did find a few tools to check out, including:

  • TubeChop allows you to edit YouTube videos
  • Blinkx is a video search engine
  • SproutSocial is a decent looking dashboard measurement tool

That's all for now. Will post later with thoughts from the other panels.

2010 #PRNews Digital Summit Review: Newbies Welcome

Xmarks RIP