All in PR

Ari Fleischer laughing all the way to Tiger's bankThe interwebs were blazing with rumors that Tiger Woods has hired Ari Fleischer.

Of course, this isn't the Ari that the Entourage crew rolls with, but it's pretty close.

After all, as ESPN writer Gene Wojciechowski pointed out, this is the same Ari that botched Mark McGuire's re-entry into baseball; pimps the BCS (colleges weak attempt at a championship series); and, the guy who hand-held the Green Bay Packers through their very public and nasty divorce with fan-favorite and hall-of-famer, Brett Farve.

I was going to write a post about Ted Kennedy, his passing and the impact it'll have on the media over the next few days and months. But my boss beat me to it with a great post about Ted's communications legacy. It's a great round up for any brand, leader or porofessional (anyone for that matter) who wants to be seen by their peers as a trusted resource. The key to any communications program -- no matter what you're selling or who you're selling it to -- is trust.

Here's the Ted Kennedy, communications "to-do" list:

You know when you are in the PR Dark Ages, when:

1) You spend more time on lists than content

2) You look for the "easy button"

3) Your headline is a string of optimized keywords that don't make a sentence

4) You "dry fire" a press release without any context or actual media contacts