All tagged revere ma

Me and the fam on July 3rdThis weekend I had one of the best Fourth of July's ever.

We didn't do anything too crazy nor was what the family and I experienced out of the ordinary.

Our Fourth festivities always starts with the annual Point of Pines block party. PoP as we call it, is a little neighborhood in Revere, MA where my mother has a house that comes deeded with a portion of Revere Beach (a private section that she technically owns). The PoP block party is always on the third of July. As a result, we call it PoP03.

I've lived in the city of Revere for nearly seven years now. We picked this location because the neighborhood is nice, the school system is good and the house was perfect for us. We are not ones to poke our noses into our neighbors business nor into the inner workings of the city, especially a city like Revere that has a rap for being lead by corrupt politicians and a seedy underworld.

Over the past few years, I've gotten to know my neighrbors to the point where it's more than just a hello and goodbye. We've been invited for BBQs, pool parties, neighborhood meetings, etc. One such neighbor I've gotten to know is George Rotondo, counselor at large.

Now, George is known as a pot stirrer in the city as he's always challenging the policies and moves being made by the mayor (who, as far as I can tell, isn't well liked in this town, according to the folks that have lived here longer than me, but keeps getting elected for some reason). I like politicians like George; the ones that like to stir it up but have their constituents best interests in mind. I've dealt with politicians enough in my day as a reporter working at the state house for the Globe and in my PR profession that they are a strange breed.

This brings me to the point of this post - yard waste and a call to the bullpen for help.