All tagged google

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Life naturally categorizes the relationship you create and maintain over the years: family, friends, co-workers, college buds, ex's, etc. Social media is no different. And, because folks like myself tend to collect people over the years, our social networks get very busy, loud, crowded and overwhelming at times.

It's nearly becoming unmanageable. I can't possibly following 1000+ people on Twitter and really know every single one of them. Add on Google+, Facebook, flickr, et al and all of a sudden, you have an ecosystem of people that fit into one category or another.

This is why lists, circles, groups, etc. are so important in keeping tabs on your social hive, as I call it.

Google Chrome

I'm 38 years old today. Before you blast the comments with old guy insults, just head over to Twitter and search for #bigguydroast (or just click the link).

I've learned a few things over the past 38 years. Some good, some bad. Most of which you probably already know. Regardless, I thought I'd share anyways.

In no order of importance or relevance:

Those of us who are in the media space; have "social media in their title"; are in PR, marketing or advertising, have been tooling around with Google+ for what would be coined in Internet terms, "a minute."

Since the launch of Plus, some brands tried to sneak their way on to the platform, but were quickly booted as a result. Google was basically saying to them, "Hey, we appreciate the eagerness, but we're just not ready for you to set up shop yet."

Well, the store sort of opened yesterday with a slew of brands launching on the platform.