All tagged gillette stadium


I went to the Patriots game yesterday and lost my iPhone. My world has come crashing down and Armageddon is right around the corner.

Well, the first half of that statement is true. Yes, I did lose my iPhone (iPhone 4 to be exact). I'm devastated to say the least. It's the device I always have with me for email, pictures, video, etc. Am I worried that someone will get my data? Nope. I have it locked down with a password and the real sensitive stuff is in another application that also has a password.

Can someone still use it? Yes. They can "restore" the device in iTunes and use it to their hearts content -- which is the part that really pisses me off.

Here Lies the 2009-10 New England PatriotsFOXBORO, MA -- The New England Patriots, one of the most storied franchises in the last decade, died yesterday of not showing up, according to 68,000 fans who booed them off the field admist angry demands for refunds.

I used to write obits for the Boston Globe when I first started out. I hated writing them. I especially hate writing them for my favorite sports team, the New England Patriots, mostly because it means no more football that matters. Again, it means no more football that I care to watch because I hate all other teams that matters.

It hurts; not like a paper cut or a rolled ankle. It's more like a swift kick in the groin. Twice.

The first play from scrimmage and the Ravens take it to the house.

Yes. To. The. House. TO THE @#&@% HOUSE!

The stadium was already booing ok after the first play, however the health of the franchise quickly deteriorated once that firs tseven went up on the board quicker than a kid asking for candy at the check out line. Little did we know, the team that Coach Bill built was going to flatline and do so quickly. Addomg to or misery would be the fact that the flatline would happen in the first quarter.

Yea, the first quarter.