All tagged dad

Coaching like pops did

There are all types of coaches and I as I coach two softball teams this year, I think about the "coaching" my Dad gave my brother and I growing up. He was never a big athlete, but he was athletic. We dragged him all over the place to play baseball, basketball and football. As a coach, I've taken some of the things I learned from those days and put them to work with my teams. Thanks pops. 

The role of religion in my life

You're probably thinking, "Oh boy, what's this post going to be about?" Or, "This is quite the departure from the content he usually writes on his blog." Don't worry. I'm not becoming a holy roller on your, but I have found religion in a way that suits me. 

I'm Catholic, but not a practicing one per se. I believe in God and all that, mostly because to think that there's nothing else past life is quite depressing.

For those of you who read my blog, you know that my Dad passed over a year and a half ago. It's been rough. But since he's been gone, I've experienced things that are way more than coincidences.

Dad and IDear CC,

I read your book titled "Amazing Things Will Happen."

I knew it was going to be one of those self help type of books, but written in a no bullshit way, a style that I myself enjoy and employ in my own writing. I thank you for that. We, as in consultants in digital marketing and people in general, tend to write in big people words to make themselves sound smarter. 

Let's not do that any more. Ever. So again, thank you for that.

Overall, it was well written and reinforced a lot of what's been floating around in my head since I lost my father unexpectedly in February of this year.

After reading the book, this was my reaction (this will make sense to you, but maybe not to others, which is why they should buy the book first, read it and then come back to this post). It's in random order:

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Four months ago, I lost my dad. It was unexpected and every day since, I've missed him more and more. Today is the first Father's Day without him and it sucks. 

But, this post isn't about me. It's about you. It's about those of you out there with kids and who's father is still with us. 

Do me a huge favor today and help me honor my dad. 

Hey dad, been a while. I hope you are well wherever you are. It's been nearly four months since you passed and it's not getting any easier. In fact, with each day, the pain is pretty unbearable at times. The loss is equal to a thousand yard, gaping hole in the earth caused by an unexpected meteor.

We celebrated your birthday. We had a First Communion. We had preschool graduation. We've celebrated some many things since you've passed and with each occasion, there was a sense of loss that was heavy on everyone's hearts.

Well, tomorrow is Father's Day. It's the first without you and to be brutally honest, it fucking sucks. Sorry for the crass words, but there's really no other way to describe it.

Hey dad, tomorrow if going to be a bitter sweet day. Kayla makes her First Communion and everyone in the family will be there. It'll be nice to see everyone again and get us all together, but yet again, we'll be reminded of the big loss that's been left with your passing away.

It's been over two months and it still feels like it was yesterday that we were at the hospital, game planning with the doctors about how to get your back on your feet and better. We had no idea that those were the last moments we'd spend with you. 

It's been so hard. There are a slew of moments throughout the day that you creep into my mind. It's nice to be able to call Uncle Louie, play my guitar, listen to Beatles songs, watch you playing guitar on video or look at pictures to keep those memories fresh in my mind. 

Tomorrow, while Kayla receives her First Communion, you'll be with her…closer to her than any one of us.