
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Sometimes you just have to tell the kids to shut up

Sometimes you just have to tell the kids to shut up


My kids are getting to the age where they bicker and fight all the time. One teases the other. They scream. They piss each other off. In the end, I get pissed off and just want them to shut the hell up.  

I know some people don't like the word shut up, but at times, it's what's needs to get the little agitators to shut their pie hole.  

I'm not even afraid to throw and f-bomb in there from time to time if I'm really trying to get the point across. Sometimes they don't listen and you have to throw the hammer down. Hard.  

I know, I know...why don't I have more patience? I'm a bad dad. That's a horrible lesson I'm teaching my kids. 

Who the F has time for patience when the kids are at each other's throat and you're ready to throw your tv through the wall? 

My mother says that the bigger the kids get, the bigger problems they'll have.  

Well, looks like I'll just have to scream louder because I feel that a well-placed shut up can be effective.  

If you think this is bad in terms of my parenting skills, you probably think I'm an even more of a horrible parent for writing this

Stuff that means a lot to my kids

Stuff that means a lot to my kids

Happy birthday #DaisyMartelli

Happy birthday #DaisyMartelli