Observations while on the Orange Line #mbta
My orange chariot
I have taken public transportation since I was 13. You name a train line or bus route and I've basically have been on it. The T is a necessary evil for me. It's a much cheaper option to get to and from work. With 27 years of T riding observations, here are some of my favorites:
The sheer volume of white headphones have grown over the years.
People are always miserable while riding.
Empty seats during rush hour are gold, only of you don't mind rubbing elbows, thighs and all other body parts for your entire ride.
People are gross.
Eating on the train is nasty.
Why do people with bikes always try to get on during rush hour?
Deoderant is optional for some people.
When there are delays, riders will riot.
Sometimes you need to push your way on or off. People don't like that, but whatever.
People are nosey.
Newspapers are a thing of the past, but they aren't meant to be read over people's shoulders.
Hold on to your devices because they will get snatched.
I don't want to talk to anyone on the train if I don't know them. The headphones are in for a reason.
There's always "that guy" on the train who's had too much to drink and is angry at someone.
Groups of teenage kids are always super annoying.
Hipsters are just as annoying.
No one that works for the T looks happy...ever.
You love it when it works, but hate it when it doesn't.
It never works when you need to get somewhere quickly and works too efficiently when you're taking your time.
Everyone riding is oblivious to what's happening around them, which in this day and age, is scary.