
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

I'm ok with being the grey-haired guy in the room

I'm ok with being the grey-haired guy in the room

Being the grey-haired guy in the room comes with a lot of responsibility, but it's time to own it.

Being the grey-haired guy in the room comes with a lot of responsibility, but it's time to own it.

I'm in an interesting point in my career. I'm nearly in my 40s and I'm the old guy in the room. It's a strange to think that you're the guy with the grey hair that clients trust. They hand on every word. They want your time. They want your counsel. They simply trust you. 

That's a fantastic, yet a terrifying thing. You're no longer the young buck who can bring great ideas to the table and have them verified by the senior people in the room. You're now the guy. 

I'm thriving in the role at Schneider Associates. I'm not one to seek the limelight, but being the person that clients want on their side and to be the person that has their business in your hands is an awesome power.  

I've thought long and hard as to why I've struggled with this new found power and its come down to one simple thing: it's time to embrace the grey hair. 


Where is the inspiration?

Career opportunities are presented when you create them

Career opportunities are presented when you create them