
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Brandon Meriweather Got the VIP on the Swole; Gets Cut from Pats

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The Patriots cut the last standing member of the draft Class of 2007 - Brandon Meriweather. Not sure what the deal is with this move. I guess he never really fulfilled the role that Coach B. wanted him to.

Or, which is a better guess, Merriweather was too busy getting the V.I.P. on the Swole:

Sometimes You Need Side Projects

175,141 Water Balloons and 8,957 College Kids