When I left my previous job to head to One to One Interactive, I had no idea what to expect. It's been about a month now and I'm loving it. I work with some smart, creative and entrepreneurial type folks. People really enjoy what they do and enjoy working with each other.
One thing the agency does that I thought was very cool was supporting the Greater Boston Food Bank. Employees can donate canned goods or money.
Here's the kick: it's competitive.
You see, anytime you donate a dollar or a can of food, you can dicate who you "flock," i.e. provide a colleague with a pink flamingo decoration for their office. There are different levels of flocking for executives as well as removing some of the pinkness from your work area.
As you can imagine, this can get sort of competitive. The entire office is flush with pink flamingos. It's a great site to see and so far, we've hit our donation goal and then some. Cool thing is that the leadership team matched our efforts.
Sometimes we get too wrapped up in our day to day activities that we forget to stop and think of how we can make a better impact on the community. Now, while we're not flocking over millions of dollars, what we do raise will feed quite a few families and there's something heart warming about knowing we helped.
So whether it's food, money or your time, we all need to flock in some way shape or form.
What are you waiting for? Get flocking!