This is Jeff. He really doesn't look this goofy in real life. :)One of the great things about social media is that you get to meet interesting people. One interesting dude is Jeff Cutler. He's a passionate social media geek, cause fanatic and really, just an overall good guy -- though, he tried to out-duel me in the NomX3 Pizza Fest but got the Heisman (video and post will be coming in the following weeks).
Jeff does this funny column called Social Media Three Answers where he "interviews" a person who's deep into the social media game and posts their answers on his blog. The catch? The interviewee makes up their own questions, but only shares the answers. It's hilarious.
Well, I'm honored to be the subject of his recent post. Thanks to Jeff for the opportunity. Good fun!
If you were to do the same thing, what would your answers be?