The biggest news coming out of the Twitter world over the past day or so is that the company acquired the very popular Mac and iPhone app Tweetie.
On the heels of that news, Tweetie users were somewhat up in arms about what this means for the popular app and whether or not we'd see Tweetie 2 for Mac (Tweetie 2 for the iPhone has been out for months).
The answer came in the form of a reply to a thread over at MacHeist, as Mashable originally reported.The folks over at atebits wrote:
Hey all - first of all I apologize for any confusion, things have been a bit crazy! I just want to says I'm blasting through the todo list to get a beta put together as fast as I can, the Mac UI stuff I've been prototyping is just too cool to have anything else happen to it. Sorry for keeping it short, gotta get back to coding!
So it appears the business side of things have out Tweetie 2 for the Mac on hold, but it is in the works.