
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

#favfriday (not to be confused with fab five freddy)

Starting a new Friday post about the Twitter posts I saved as favorites. I come across a lot of interesting things on the interwebs, but Twitter brings out the best. So with that, here are this week's #favfriday (not to be confused with fab five freddy and yes, I know, it's a play off of #followfriday):

  • First and foremost, I have to plug where I got the idea from, "@palatoCool idea, blog post curating tweets of others, by @WebAnna: Tonight's Twitter Highlights: http://bit.ly/q7xUJ"
  • Yes, I was curious as to why I-93 looked more like a city dump: @wbzCurious why I-93 has so much trash http://moourl.com/cuo0b
  • Now, I have a ton of old electronics, so I HAD to fav this: @wbzGet paid to get rid of your old electronics. http://moourl.com/kb578
  • There's talk and then there are great ideas: @JasonFalls My man @davidfinch has great tips for finding your next big idea today, but, more importantly, needs yours as well: http://bit.ly/Is7v2
  • People love data, or at least that's what the social media folks are trying to get their heads around: @pblackshaw CHART OF THE WEEK: Use of term "Tweet" now exceeding "Sentence" on blogs (via Nielsen BlogPulse) http://tinyurl.com/pekoct
  • Of course, I had to include something about the new iPhone. What? Confirmation? The new one is coming out next week?: @dyphan Sounds like the new iPhones will be announced on Monday. woot http://bit.ly/169Kat
  • In the B2B space? This is worth reading: @socialmedia2day 10 Tips For Building Stronger B2B Communities http://tr.im/nwxa

You KNOW, I couldn't close this post off without a video of fab five freddy at work:




Lil Dez

Twitter and Gen-Y