
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

#favfriday The Big Move Edition

So today MS&L Boston moves from our location at 745 Boylston Street to 33 Arch Street. Really excited about it as we'll be bunkering with the wikked smaht people at Digitas (not to mention creative and cool).

Without any further adeu, here's today's #favfriday:

One of the advantages of being at 745 Boylston was the fact that I was right down the street from the Apple store. Ironically enough, today is the official launch of the iPhone 3Gs.I had to include spot-on location coverage of all the crazy Apple fans waiting in line to get their new toy (I'd normally be in that line, but I'm no eligible for the upgrade just yet).

Another concern of mine at the new location is where to go for lunch. That 12-1 time is a critical portion of the day. It fuels the rest of the afternoon with energy. I'm hoping this situation doesn't happen over near 33 Arch Street

We've been so busy at the office, that it's been hard to take some time off and hit some white ball. However, this post got me thinking that there is hope.

  • @bostonupdate Photos: Top 10 public golf courses under $80 - http://is.gd/16bjG

One of the benefits of moving to the Digitas building is the fact that we'll be closer to all the social media minds that run one of the industry's leading agencies. It'll be nice to have such resources in the hallway verusus just a phone call a way. Whether it's developing social media strategies, how to leverage video with traditional media campaigns or how to best leverage Twitter as a brand, we'll have opportunities to drive business together (I hope). These are a few social media-type posts that caught my eye recently.

Last but not least is the fact that moving does bring along a set of challenges. One of which will be the odd things like, how to send a fax; do I dial nine first; and where are the bathrooms? This post made me think about all the little things during a move and how they are not so little, but very important.

  • @tyerman Accidentally brushed my teeth with clearisil. Mistook it for travel sized toothpaste. Personal hygine FAIL. (full disclosure...I work with Todd, so it's ok to make fun of him. We did).

So that's it for #favfriday. Next one will be from the 8th floor of 33 Arch Street. 

Photo credit: movingcompanies via Flickr


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