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I read constantly. News websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. When it comes to the social web, I realize that I can'y catch everything, yet it's my job to keep on top of the trends, news, new services, apps, etc.  Some ask, "How the heck do you keep up with it all?"

The answer is simplicity.

I keep things simple  because there are many ways you can slice and dice what's important to you in terms of content. There's content that's important to you personally as well as professionally. And as many of you know, there's LOADS of it.

So how do I keep things simple and keep it organized?

Well, I first break down content into three categories:

Social Content Venn Diagram



The infiltration of the Internet into our living-rooms is right around the corner. The two biggest consumer options are Google TV and Apple TV (to a certain extent).

Now, Apple TV got it right. It's a cheap device ($100) and is focused around content sharing in the home.

We've all said that content is king, so why not make it easier to share it, view it, digest it, etc. in your own home more easier than having to rely on cables, SD cards, etc.

Apple TV is a simple hub for content whereas Google TV tries to bring the entire information superhighway into your couch command center. This, of course, is not a new idea with gaming consoles doing it now as well -- Wii, Playstation, XBox, etc. However, where Google TV will fail is on the technology side. They are relying on other manufacturers to create devices that will pimp their software.

HTC Running iOS

I'm an Apple fanboy; that's no secret. My iPhone, iPad and Macbook Pro are my links to various communication portals, services, family, friends, work, etc. Basically, they connect me to the various tentacles in my world.

Some of those tentacles, believe it or not, reach to products and services that aren't Apple.

Yes, read that one more time.

In fact, I'm a big fan of the Android platform. I like it's openness. I like the variety of apps. I like how Google positioned themselves to compete in the mobile market because of the flexibility of Android.


I love all the hype around products and especially as people start to dive into them. This is when you start to hear about all the stuff that's not included in that new shiny toy.

Take the AirPlay functionality in the new Apple operating system for example. It's supposed to let you stream content from any Apple device -- iPhone, iPad, Macbook, Macbook Pro, etc. and play on any other Apple device on your Wi-Fi network via Apple TV.

So if you downloaded a movie in iTunes via your iPad, you can then stream it to your TV through Apple TV.

All this is cool, but there's one bit of functionality that AirPlay can't handle according to Daring Fireball:


I went to the Patriots game yesterday and lost my iPhone. My world has come crashing down and Armageddon is right around the corner.

Well, the first half of that statement is true. Yes, I did lose my iPhone (iPhone 4 to be exact). I'm devastated to say the least. It's the device I always have with me for email, pictures, video, etc. Am I worried that someone will get my data? Nope. I have it locked down with a password and the real sensitive stuff is in another application that also has a password.

Can someone still use it? Yes. They can "restore" the device in iTunes and use it to their hearts content -- which is the part that really pisses me off.


Today IBM announced new software and services that indicates Big Blue can see the forest through the trees in terms of social media's potential impact on business.

The new software is part of Lotus Notes Connections 3.0, a platform that provides enterprises with communities, forums, wikis and blogs to help users discuss and refine ideas. Today's announcement adds social analytics capabilities to the platform, which, In essence, helps close the time-to-answer gap for questions like:

  • who worked on that project?
  • who is the expert in this field?
  • what connections do we have to this reporter?

In addition to the software, IBM is launching a new Global Business Services initiative to help companies understand how social networking is being used and how it'll fit into their business.