Recently, my family has experienced the joys of the healthcare system. I won't get into details, but in one instance, a family member has had to visit the hospital on more occasions than one cares to over a month a half period. The end result all being the same: a conclusion, but one that's fairly uncertain and worrisome as time goes on.
Now, I don't pretend to be a healthcare whiz. I leave that up to this guy (client). What I do know is that I pay a ton of money to have coverage and that when I need it, I just want it to work. When you have kids, the "working" part is very important.
There's nothing worse than having to schlep your kids into the ER at 2am because of a severe fever or on a Sunday afternoon (during a Pats game) after your kid takes a header down a flight of stairs. Either way, you expect to be taken care of immediately and you expect all the attention in the world. However, that's not the case.
We've all been there so we know that cases in the ER are treated by virtue of severity. A fever that can be controlled by some Tylenol is not as urgent as a gushing head wound on a two year old. When we are in these situations, however, that rationale goes out the window.
However, imagine if that rationale were to play out in other areas of our every days lives?