Thoughts on #LaborDay2014
Well, more like some random hotness floating around in my head at the moment.
- Played flag football yesterday for the first time in about eight years. I'm paying for it today.
- I have a good group of friends. It's a small group, but good guys all around.
- You can't discount the love of a good dog. #DaisyMartelli has been a great addition to our family, though she can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
- Having a close family is awesome. When we all get together, good time is had by all.
- I love my backyard and deck. It is my place to chill, hang and basically get lost in good music, scrumptious food, great company and good convos.
- Work occupies a lot of our time, but those moments in between with friends and family is really where the juice is.
- There's nothing better than a holiday Monday at home with the little lady and the kids. Quiet. Relaxing. Hanging out. Chatting. Doing a boat load of nuttin' is my reward.
Happy Labor Day.