
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

The Changing Landscape of Non-Profit Marketing and PR with Rich Greif

Over the years, I’ve worked with a lot of talented and smart people across a variety of industries. In my network, I have pros who have jumped from job to job, industry to industry and have done extremely well. There are some in my network who have stayed the course within the career path and have become true masters of their craft.

Enter Rich Greif, a non-profit marketing and PR ninja who’s current working for The Guild for Human Services.

Rich and I talked about how his work for some of the most notable non-profits in the Greater Boston (and beyond) area has remained the same, yet, changed with the times.

Tune in:

Discussing and exploring the challenges and opportunities for non-profits in delivering their message, activating audiences and fulfilling the mission. Non-profit marketing and communications pro, Rich Greif, talks about his extensive experience and how the “business” has changed over the years.

Talking Cyber Security, Branding and Owls with Kyle Flaherty

Teaching PR in Today's Digital World