All tagged toyota

Those of us who are in the media space; have "social media in their title"; are in PR, marketing or advertising, have been tooling around with Google+ for what would be coined in Internet terms, "a minute."

Since the launch of Plus, some brands tried to sneak their way on to the platform, but were quickly booted as a result. Google was basically saying to them, "Hey, we appreciate the eagerness, but we're just not ready for you to set up shop yet."

Well, the store sort of opened yesterday with a slew of brands launching on the platform.

Toyota's PR nightmare are like falling dominosNews from the crisis world brings us to the mess Toyota still finds themselves in -- a mess that just got messier with various reports pointing towards an email from a company exec to another Toyota employee basically begging the company to come clean about the various recall issues they were up against.

Can you hear the dominos falling?

Here's the gist of the latest PR head scratcher (from my post over at Technorati):