All tagged mac
I read constantly. News websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc. When it comes to the social web, I realize that I can'y catch everything, yet it's my job to keep on top of the trends, news, new services, apps, etc. Some ask, "How the heck do you keep up with it all?"
The answer is simplicity.
I keep things simple because there are many ways you can slice and dice what's important to you in terms of content. There's content that's important to you personally as well as professionally. And as many of you know, there's LOADS of it.
So how do I keep things simple and keep it organized?
Well, I first break down content into three categories:
One of the things I love about Macs are they they are low maintenance. You just have to do some basic clean-up to keep them running like you took it out of the box. There are a handful of apps -- some popular, some not -- that help you with taking care of such chores. One of them is Mackeeper.
The program is really easy to use and has a Mac-like interface. It cleans out the unnecessary data that your Mac might store and really does a good job in tidying up things like old binaries, cache, duplicate files, unnecessary stuff from language packages, data logs and old files.