Flickr Photo Credit: shadphotosThe people that know me (an no, not the people I am friends with on Twitter), but the people that tailgate with me, hang out in my backyard and BBQ steak while drinking @magichat and puffing stogies, will tell you that I'm an even keeled kind of guy. It takes a lot for me to get riled up about something -- unless it's sports. I don't have ADD or anything like that. It's basically what I call veg-out mode.
Veg-out mode is something I experience at least once a day with the Interwebs. You see, as someone who has to stay on top of all things social media, I feel like I'm online constantly. That's not what gets me into veg-out mode. What does get me into that mode is the content. I think I'm fairly well read. I subscribe to a ton of blogs and watch a ton of videos. For a space that's on the "cutting edge" it can get a bit stale after a while. Lots of people are writing about the same things. They are creating podcasts that talk about the importance of community. They are talking about trust. They are talking about a lot of things. Yes, I understand what I'm reading and the implications of things like trust and community. What gets me into the veg-out mode is duplication of content. There are a few people out there that are truly leading the conversation about social media. The rest are just carbon copies.