All tagged google buzz

Google is the search giant. We know this. They also have a slew of productivity tools that help with email, writing, calculating, translations, analytics, RSS feeds, etc. Their productivity offerings are just as good as their search offering. Simply put, they're good.

However, Google as had two attempts at social media -- Google Buzz and Google Wave. Now, it could be argued that Google Wave is a productivity tool, but in my opinion, it's a social application for groups, business teams, friends and family. It makes communicating happen in real-time and social. Thus, why I categorized it as "social media."

Google Buzz is the social media echo chamber...chamberWhen Google launched Buzz, there was a sense of excitement and the unknown. What was it? What will it do? How will it be different from other social media channels? 

The answers are: it's nothing special; it doesn't do anything else other services do; and it's different from other social media channels mostly because it's a big echo chamber.

Google launched Buzz, their social media service that's tied into GMail, a few months ago with some fanfare and loads of fizzle. Privacy quickly became a concern with users and as a result, the company tweaked the settings.

Despite the bumps in the road, Buzz seems to be puttering along and Google isn't ditching it.

Evidence of that is the fact that Buzz is now available through the mobile version of GMail.

I've spent about 45 minutes messing around with Google Buzz. I'm on just about every social media service that is available. I use a ton of apps for both PC and Mac. I also have used a ton of apps on the Blackberry and iPhone. Long story short, I know way too much about social web services and technology. 

So, when Google Buzz opened the door to me, I jumped right in. Here are my initial thoughts: