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Families spend a lot of time together at home these days, typically digesting hours and hours of digital media and entertainment. Mom is in the living room checking her Facebook page and favorite blogs.  Dad is on his tablet checking the latest scores on ESPN. One of the kids is downloading HD movies from iTunes and another is catching up on her favorite TV show on Hulu, while yet another may be streaming and playing the latest MMORPG from Steam.

It’s a challenge for the whole family to spend more time together. Maybe, just maybe, if there was a state-of-the-art media and entertainment center in the home, they all could enjoy it and share their favorite movies, television programs, games, photos and sports with each other.

Here are some ideas for those of you who would like to build the ultimate “Fam Cave.”

HTC Running iOS

I'm an Apple fanboy; that's no secret. My iPhone, iPad and Macbook Pro are my links to various communication portals, services, family, friends, work, etc. Basically, they connect me to the various tentacles in my world.

Some of those tentacles, believe it or not, reach to products and services that aren't Apple.

Yes, read that one more time.

In fact, I'm a big fan of the Android platform. I like it's openness. I like the variety of apps. I like how Google positioned themselves to compete in the mobile market because of the flexibility of Android.

I'm all caught up in the iPad mess. Like Pookie, it be callin' me and callin' me. The hype got me thinking about my entre in the world of Apple and expansion plans.

My first Apple purchase as the second generation iPod, which was roughly in 2005, just a short five years ago. That purchase did me well up until the first generaion iPod Touch was released. I got that within the first week of it's launch.

The iPod touch purchase held me at bay for quite some time. I even avoided getting the first generation iPhone mostly because I was on Verizonwireless at the time.