All tagged dale street

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My various complaints about the City of Revere are well documented. My recent issues have been aired publicly and have been noticed by the Mayor and others.

Tonight, I stepped into the local government arena when I was able to speak to the Traffic Commission about the traffic issue on my street.

Long story short, the city is instituting a monitoring program to look at the traffic patterns of drivers who travel on my street -- speed, time of day, etc.

It's very hard to make change nationally when it comes to public policy. Typically, if it happens, it happens because of a grass roots effort that picks up steam and the attenion of the media, politicians and big-name activitists. 

However, in your local community, making change happen might appear to be easier because of the easier access you might have to councilors, the mayor, etc. Then again, politics is politics (regardless of all politics being local, as Tip used to say).