All tagged commuting

Life is one big time management project. Think about it. 

You get up every morning to prepare for your day. For me, that typically means getting ready for work. That entails a a shower, breakfast, getting dressed, brushing my teeth and heading to the bus stop. Then it's a bus ride to the train station and then the train into Boston. The process takes about an hour total -- from the time I get up and get ready to the time I get into the office -- give or take 15 or so minutes depending on the bus and the train. 

Whether you call yourself organized or whether you are a fly by night type of person, we are all creatures of habit. We get up in the morning, head off to school/work, hit @dunkindonuts, get to our destination and settle in for a day filled of mini-routines (checking email, Twittering, updating your status of Facebook, entering your time, etc.). Regardless of what the routines are, we all have them.

With that in mind, I've been closely watching people get on and off the train as I head to work every morning. When I get to State Street Station, there are two options coming from the north side - either you head up the stairs on the right, or your walk around to the escalator that's on the left. Typically, there are familiar faces on the train everyday (doing their routines). I've watched them decide which way to get off the train and head up to Downtown Crossing - some left, some right.