All tagged celebrities

With Tweets, status updates, pictures and blog posts being pumped out at a feverish pace, there's no sense on who "owns" the content. While I have a blog and the words on the screen were written by me, do I really "own" those pages despite living on someone elses server? 

How about photos and videos? Guessing the same principle is in play here as well. 

However, what if you're a celebrity and taking pictures of private moments you want to share with your fan base? Can I, as a Twitter user, take that photo and leverage it for an ad, blog post or other creative items? I guess I can, but can I legally use those images? Probably not. 

In order to thwart such efforts, a little start-up is working with a big list of celebs to help them own their social media content, specifically photos and videos.

This whole #unfollowdiddy thing is quite interesting from a branding perspective. For those of you with your head in the sand, I'm talking about the recent explosion of Twitter use by celebrities to "connect closer with their fans," i.e. build up their brand empires and grow their celebrity status. Hello @aplusk and @oprah, et al. After the "race to one million followers," there seems to be a little bit of back lash by the general public about celebrities crowding the space that we at one point seemed to own.

Twitter is now populated with more content and more "hey look, follow me" type people than it was when I joined nearly two years ago. I'm guessing the #unfollowdiddy backlash comes from the huge turn off Twitter can be if used by people that are all about themselves, the hey, look at me crowd. I'm guessing Diddy is one of those types of users. His updates are now protected so only his followers can read what he says. Good move? No. Diddy has to understand that no matter what he does, there will be a set of consumers that don't like his music, don't like his clothing line or just don't like him period.