All tagged Search

The Biggest Plus for Google+: Google Authorship

Google Authorship is a great way to get your content seen. It's Google's way to help you get better click through rates as well as higher ranks for your content (not to mention prevent people from stealing your stuff). 

If you're managing a blog or content site and not using Google Authorship, you're missing out.

Graph Search and the Future of Customized Content

We are in living in a social-network-minded world. People you know, don't know, think you know and want to know, are creating content on a frantic pace. It's hard to keep up with it all. 

As a result, Facebook, the largest network, is trying to simplify how we get our content -- or at least search for relevancy in content. Question is, how will other networks react, specifically the likes of Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin?