
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Refocusing on #DadLife

Refocusing on #DadLife

I've maintained this site for quite some time. Sometimes I write, sometimes I don't. More often times, I don't. Time is the prohibiting factor. Time at work. Time with the family. Time to do stuff around the house. Time to hang with friends and family. Time for time's sake. 

Well, I'm going to make another run at this Dad blogging thing. I blame this guy for it. 

Been working with AG for a month now and we're already doing some cool things. Mostly though, it's been cool talking about journey's as Dads and living the #DadLife. We've threatened to do a podcast. That would be dangerous, funny, silly, stupid and probably a dumb idea. 

Back to this blog...

I'm going to be posting here more often, sharing more on social and generally, getting back into this Daddy Blogger thing. Yea, I know...there's some professional gains to be had because of it, but mostly, I'm doing this for one reason and one reason only:

I want to catalog my journey as a Dad for my kids. As they get older, become young women and eventually moms, I want them to be able to look at my screw-ups, mishaps, funny moments and more so they can be the best moms they can be. What the hell does a dad know about being a Mom? 


But, whether a mom or dad, there are core elements to being a parent that makes you a good parent -- love, caring, understanding, patience, discovery, learning and laughing.

I want to show my kids that I've done all of that and more.

So, here's to #DadLife. Let's do this. 

The Jackson 5 made the best Christmas album ever

The Jackson 5 made the best Christmas album ever

Thoughts on Paris