
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

When is the Right Time to Have the Conversation…With Your Parents?

One of the last projects I worked on at my former agency was a video segment about senior driving. Basically, society is aging with the automobile and we're outliving the decision to drive by years -- yes, years.

Here's the video the team and I put together that discusses the issue and helps adult children with having a conversation that no doubt, will be difficult.

No one wants to give up the car keys, but sometimes, it's necessary:

Brand Storytelling: H&R Block and Detroit

You Kids and Your Googly Docs