
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Let's Be Full of C.R.A.P.


Social media geeks need to be full of C.R.A.P.Social media has introduced me to a number of cool and wikked smahht people and I love when those worlds collide. This is the case with Fiona Bryan aka "Bantering Blonde" and Chris Brogan.

As Fiona points out, Chris talks about C.R.A.P. all the time:

C - Connecting: Always be connecting, online and in person. Bring others together and become known as a connector. I think this is good advice because then you start getting people coming to you for all the fun stuff. Well, it’s not good when the person you are most often confused for is a complete moron. So connect but be smart about it – oh, sorry that was my advice not Chris’s. He’s pretty moron free.

R - Referrals: Ask for and offer referrals. Chris recommended the book Referral Engine by John Jantz. (If I were Chris Brogan I’d totally insert the Amazon widget and when you bought the book I’d make $0.05 but I’m lazy, maybe I’ll insert Chris’s Amazon widget-that’d be fun.)

A - Attention or Awareness – Pay attention and be aware. Always be looking for opportunities (I like to do this and make note of things to pass along to others-goes back to being the connector.)

PPresence – Be present. Be everywhere.

I love this. It's simple. It's brilliant. And, the best of all, it's common sense. Fiona puts things in context with her recent #DisneySMMoms stuff, specifically, talking about you shouldn't stress over blog posts. Good enough, is good enough, as Chris says. Fiona can't operate in that way. I'm somewhere in the middle, but this is what the "conversation" is all about.

We all do this social media thing because we either have stuff in our heads we need to get out, we're looking for noteriety, it's our job or all of the above.

But, to keep things simple in the way that CRAP is simple, we write because we like to write. It's just another form of sharing, regardless of who's reading.

So keep up the good C.R.A.P., Chris and Fiona. I'm reading. ;)

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