This is a work-related post, but I need my peeps to help me out.
The concept is simple: For those of you on Twitter, please ReTweet a message from the @theonehundred Twitter account that includes the #TweetForACure hashtag, and $1 goes to cancer research.
Copy and paste one of the options below into your Twitter status to ReTweet:
Join #TweetforaCure! For every RT, MGH’s @theonehundred receives $1 for cancer research. Please RT!
Please RT! Support MGH’s @theonehundred; every RT provides a $1 donation to cancer research, at no cost to you! #TweetforaCureSee how one person can make a difference against cancer. Every RT means $1 more for research. #TweetforaCure #the100
The Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center receives $1 for every unique ReTweet from May 5 until June 2, 2010. Each Tweet from an individual Twitter user means a larger donation for the MGH Cancer Center and represents a micro-donation from Digitas, a supporter of the one hundred.
Show your support by following @theonehundred on Twitter and ReTweeting to donate $1 to cancer research, at no cost to you. Of course, if you want to donate more, you can give a little (or a lot) right through Facebook.
That's all you gotta do. Simple right? Well, Tweet away!!!