Oh @DunkinDonuts Turbo Iced Coffee, how I love thee. Let me count the ways.
- It's like an shot of adrenaline that immediately perks me up
- The flavors that hit your palate are like being showered with riches
- There's really no substitute. Really, there isn't.
- Just when you think you've had enough, you probably could go for another blast
- Did I mention there's really nothing like it?
- It doesn't taste burnt like some other iced coffee available in the greater New England area (or other parts of the country for that matter...yea, you Seattle).
- You can order it and not feel like a buffoon because you don't know the difference between a venti and a whateveryouwanttocallit-ii. Hello simplicity.
- It's not too high powered that five minutes after I'm done drinking it, I don't smack my head on the keyboard from a 3pm crash at my desk -- waking up with the letters ASDF, sprawled backwards across my forehead.
- I can honestly tell the people behind the counter how I want it and not have to shuttle off to a sugar/cream station to make it myself NOR do I get attitude when I have a "light with three sugars" request. It's not BK, but I CAN have it my way.
- Finally, I find that I can get out of DnD with a medium turbo iced and a muffin just just over three bucks. Maybe I'm dedicated to the brand, but I don't see me walking out of those other burnt smelling shops until I'm a fin in (that's five bucks to you younger people).
There you have it, my Ode to @DunkinDonuts Turbo Iced Coffee.
Who's with me and why?