As some of you know, I'm a freelancer editor for Technorati, specifically the Lifestyle Channel. We cover just about anything and everything, but have specific verticals such as autos, family, motorcycles, travel and "green."
With Technorati's push to develop original content comes the challenge of developing specific features that can help drive traffic. As I thought about this challenge, I kept coming back to all the great content I read on a daily basis from all the smart people I've connected with online.
One guy in particular is Wayne Sutton, who is a social media strategist down in the dirty south, North Carolina (feels funny to say dirty south as I think anything below Quincy, MA is southern. lol).
Wayne has been running this feature on his blog called 28 Days of Diversity where he is highlighting African Americans who are doing great things in the social media and digital content space.
So, as my first entry to the "Social Goodness" feature, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight Wayne's efforts in light of the fact that it is Black History month.
Check it out when you get a chance. I'd be interested in your feedback and other ideas that I can cover in "Social Goodness." Also, if you want to check out the content the team and I are creating in the Lifestyle Channel, the easiest way to do is through Twitter.