
based in Boston, the PR BUnker is a Strategic communications and PR consultancy & podcast, featuring insights on the public relations, digital marketing and communications. Owned and hosted by don martelli, a former journalist with 25 years of strategic communications, The PR Bunker supports education, nonprofit, professional services and real-estate clients.

Traveling with the Family is an Awesome Responsibility

Today I traveled to Orlando with my wife and two kids. It's the first time we've traveled as a foursome where we had to board a plane. The previous time we traveled was when we were less one kid -- over three years ago.

Occasions like this put an awesome responsibility on your shoulders. As the bread winner, I have to ensure that we can enjoy our vacation from a financial standpoint, i.e. spoil the kids.

There is also dealing with all the travel arrangements; getting to and from the airport; checkin in; going through security with a hitch; getting to the hotel; and, settling in to truly enjoy the vacation. It's just a lot to deal with when you are traveling with kids ages six and three.

It makes you feel good that you can accomplish all this without a hitch. It's also nerve racking because if one thing gets thrown off, it can create an avalanche of problems.

In terms of the traveling part, you pray your kids are those kids. You know the ones I am talking about. The loud ones. The ones that are putting up a shit fit because they want to stand up, are hungry, need to to to go the bathroom or simply and nutty kids.

Luckily enough, my kids aren't those kids. It also helps to have a slew of gadgets on hand to keep them occupied (thank god for the iPad). Throw in a wife that is a planner and the kids have enough to entertain them for the two and a half hour flight to Orlando.

So far so good for us. How do you plan and manage traveling with the family?

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